LGBTIQ+ RoundUp : News, Views & Politics

| FUSE | Australian News

Restoration Hopes for 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' Bus

Help Save the Queen! After vanishing from sight for nearly a quarter-century, the 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' bus resurfaced, nestled in a paddock on a property in Ewingar, New South Wales.

| Paula Gerber | Australian News

Trans people are under attack, this is a test case for Australia

In the United States, animosity towards trans people is reaching fever pitch with 42 of the 50 states introducing laws that seek to limit trans people’s access to healthcare, participation in sport, use of bathrooms and serving in the military, as well as censoring education about gender identity.

| FUSE | World News

Germany passes new progressive transgender laws

Effective from November 2024, a new progressive German law will allow trans people to self-disclose their gender identity through a simple form submission, eliminating the previous requirement for difficult psychiatric assessment and long court approvals.

| Sergey Katsuba | World News

More arrests. A new era of repression in Russia

Just over three decades after Russia decriminalised homosexuality in 1993, three people have been arrested and charged under the country’s harsh new anti-LGBTIQ laws and could face ten years in prison for membership of an “extremist organisation”.

| FUSE | World News

Trump Endorses Pastor with Extremist Views for US Congress

Trump has announced his endorsement of Anti-Gay Pastor Mark Burns for South Carolina. The pastor has previously exhibited extremist rhetoric towards LGBTQ+ and transgender individuals, calling for the arrest and execution of those he accuses of LGBTQ+ and transgender "indoctrination."

| Alice Elizabeth Wilson | Life & Wellbeing

How to creatively express ‘queer joy’ online

Alice Elizabeth Wilsonand her research group at the ESRC Digital Good Network are trying to establish ways for you and others to express ‘queer joy’ online creatively. Queer joy is a powerful emotion that sustains the fight for recognition and equality for LGBTQ+ people, especially in the face of challenges like gender-based violence and discrimination.

| Nathan J Lester | Out & About

Capital of Equality - Mardi Gras 2024 (Photos)

The Canberra Mardi Gras floats name, 'Capital of Equality – Pink United' stands as a vibrant tribute to the values of inclusivity, diversity, and acceptance in our capital, Canberra. The float’s message was all about embracing “Our Future…” through a pink lens.  The pink triangle was a symbol of persecution, but LGBTQIA+ activists reclaimed it as a symbol of resilience and strength. The colour pink is often associated with visibility and solidarity within the LGBTQIA+ community. Pink symbolises a strong sense of unity among LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies. It serves as a visual representat...

| Justin Ellis and Nicole L. Asquith | Opinion

Police Marching at Mardi Gras must come with real change

Public trust and confidence in NSW Police has been sorely tested in the past few weeks. The charging of a police officer with the murders of a Sydney gay couple, Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, has seen shock turn to grief and then anger. NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb’s framing of the case as a “crime of passion” downplayed the alleged culpability of the accused, and overlooked the murders as possible domestic violence.

| FUSE | Life & Wellbeing

Sex and its role in Happy Relationships

There are numerous studies showing how important sex is to a successful marriage or any long-term relationship. There are of course many types of sex and ways of being intimate with others, but sex with a partner who knows you intimately is often a much more passionate and connecting experience.

| Maxwell Elliff | Opinion

The great US rights rollback

The USA, a global superpower, has long paved the way forward for LGBTIQ+ people. It is the birthplace of everything from the Stonewall riots and Harvey Milk to Brokeback Mountain and RuPaul’s Drag Race. In 2015, same-sex marriage was legalised in all fifty states. The upcoming WorldPride 2025 will be hosted by none other than the nation’s capital of Washington DC. 


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