Another alleged homophobic attack in Canberra

In a statement on their latest newsletter, The ACT Government says it is aware of discussions that happened on social media this week about another alleged homophobic attack in Canberra from a couple visiting form Melbourne who used Grindr while visiting the city.
"We understand this may be in addition to the three alleged attacks reported to ACT Policing since 16 July 2024. This is distressing news, and the ACT Government publicly condemns these alleged attacks. They have no place in our community."
ACT Policing takes incidents motivated by homophobia very seriously and urge anyone who may have information about these incidents, or other similar incidents, to contact police on 131 444. In an emergency, call 000.
It is essential that incidents are reported so that police can investigate these matters.
The ACT Government, through the Office of LGBTIQA+ Affairs, is working with ACT Policing and Grindr in the United States to respond to these incidents. This includes safety messaging that is being released on Grindr to those in the ACT.
The Office of LGBTIQA+ Affairs are also working closely with Meridian, who is sharing important online safety information and is offering counselling. ACT Policing has also reported that it is directly working with Grindr to inform investigations.
While it is important to always have your safety in mind when meeting people online, now is the time to be extra vigilant.
Safety tips include connecting with someone via phone or video chat before meeting, meeting in a public place or place you know is safe, sharing your plans and location with a trusted person, and sharing a screenshot of the person you are meeting and where you are meeting them.
You can also arrange a time to check in with your trusted person and have a plan for action if you do not call or text as agreed. Some smartwatches also have an emergency call feature – make sureyou know how to work yours.
Grindr has more safety tips available here: Safety tips – Help Center. Meridian's Online Safety resource includes strategies and tools for navigating online spaces and meet ups
If something feels off, it probably is. Report any suspicious activity to the app and any alleged crimes to ACT Policing.
In Canberra for support, you can contact Meridian Wellbeing Services on 02 6257 0372 or via emailat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..