Australian News Archive


Groundbreaking Surrogacy Law Reform Passed in ACT

"With these reforms, more children will enjoy the economic and emotional security that comes from the legal recognition of their families" - Equality Australia


Supporting our trans and gender diverse communities

A new nation leading campaign exposes trans and gender diverse discrimination. 'The Unsaid Says a Lot' by the Victorian Government is a groundbreaking campaign which aims to raise public awareness of the everyday discrimination faced by trans and gender diverse communities and drive systemic change.


NSW Apologises for Laws Criminalising Homosexuality

After nearly 40 years, NSW is set to apologise for its past laws criminalising homosexuality. In an interview with SBS, Robert French, a key activist from the 1980s, recalls a protest where he and Lex Watson, another activist, demanded police arrest them for being gay to highlight the injustice.


Protests forces council to overturn book ban

Cumberland City Council in Western Sydney has voted 12 members for and two to overturn a ban on same-sex parenting books from its libraries.


Western Sydney Council's Bans Same-Sex Parenting Books

Cumberland City Council in Western Sydney has enacted a controversial policy to remove books featuring same-sex parents from its libraries, triggering a fierce debate over censorship, discrimination, and community values. 


Restoration Hopes for 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' Bus

Help Save the Queen! History Trust SA has kickstarted an ambitious campaign to fund the meticulous restoration of the legendary bus immortalised in the 1994 Australian cinematic gem, "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert."


Trans people are under attack, this is a test case for Australia

Around the world, the human rights of transgender people are under attack. Media reports of trans women being vilified, excluded and discriminated against are frequent, and the consequences of this rise in hatred towards trans people can be deadly.


Asbestos in mulch? Fair Day canceled. Here’s the risk!

Mulch containing asbestos was found in Vitoria Park, home have Mardi Gras Fair Day and 41 other locations across New South Wales, including Sydney parks, schools, hospitals, a supermarket and at least one regional site.


Conversion therapy ban fails

If Tasmania continues to drag its feet on banning Conversion Therapy, it risks becoming a haven for conversion practitioners who have been thrown out of the other Australian states.

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