Australian News Archive


Christian lobbyist claims gay penguin couple are fake!

Right-wing Australian Christan politician and lobbyist Lyle Shelton from the 'Family First Party' said he believes that the gay penguin couple at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium are not only "fake" but are also being used to indoctrinate young children.


ACT passes Variation in Sex Characteristics Bill

The ACT Assembly has passed legislation to protect intersex human rights.


What can we learn from the marriage equality vote, and what might happen with Parliament the Voice debate?

How will you vote? This article delves into what we can learn from the marriage equality vote and about supporting First Nations people during the Voice debate. Studies show that exposure to negative messaging can lead to greater levels of stress, depression and anxiety.


Ride with Pride, Canberra Trams go Rainbow!

Happy Pride! Everyone is welcome on-board the Light Rail!


Drag storytime cancelled in Melbourne after threats

The popular event featuring drag queens reading books to children has been cancelled after receiving violent threats.


Barry Humphries, controversial Australian icon, has died aged 89

Humphries was an iconic, loved and celebrated Australian entertainer who was also known for his anti-transgender views.


Intersex Protection Bill tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly

The new ACT Bill aims to protect the bodily autonomy, informed consent, and medical rights of minors (and adults under guardianship) in medical contexts.


The ACT passes Intersex rights against medical intervention.

The new laws introduced by the ACT Govermnemt will prevent medical intervention forced on intersex people.


The ACT will pass legislation to protect people with sex variations

This bill will protect the autonomy of minors, and adults under guardianship, by criminalising certain medical interventions that fall outside the scope of a treatment plan.

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