Blonde Bombshell Ready to Blow

I recently had the pleasure of catching up with Australia’s golden boy of comedy… Joel Creasey! To say I was a little nervous to interview the so-called ‘Acid Tongue Prince’ would be like saying the Titanic only sank just a bit. Alas, after overcoming my nerves, and somehow silencing the incessant voice of RuPaul inside my head bellowing ‘DON’T F**K IT UP’, I managed to have a lovely chat with the even lovelier and ever-sassy comedian.
To get the ball rolling, I first enquire as to how his pursuit of fame has been going. ‘Really well’, Joel admits. ‘But you can always have more. I’ve been thinking about making a sex-tape Kim Kardashian style. Get Mum to film it’. And while he jokes – I have no doubt there would be plenty of interest if one were to ever see the light of day!
Infamously unapologetic and candid in discussing fellow celebrities, I steer the conversation towards several of his well-known feuds. In regards to Russell Crowe (and in reference to a hilarious exchange of Twitter messages a couple years ago between the two), Joel laughs and informs me, ‘That’s all dried up. I’ve stopped answering Russell’s calls’. I make a mental note to ask Crowe’s side should I ever find myself interviewing the Aussie actor. He goes on to describe Canadian comedian Howie Mandel (best known as the host of Deal or No Deal in the U.S.) as a ‘total tool’ and two-time Oscar winning Austrian actor Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds/Django Unchained) as a ‘f**kwit’. By this point I’ve completely abandoned any notion of trying to hold back my laughter.
Asking about his role as co-host for the SBS coverage of the this years 40th Sydney Mardi Gras he says, ‘It was all very exciting but also funny considering I’ve never even been to the parade before… it was so much fun, especially getting to do it with Magda Szubanski. She’s an Aussie legend’.
I go on to probe Joel about where else we can expect to see him popping up in the coming months. ‘I have my Blonde Bombshell Tour’, which includes, ‘all the crazy stories from my life on the road as well as a healthy dose of dishing dirt on celebrities’. Having witnessed the man in action for his 2016 show The Crown Prince, I have no doubt the house will be packed with non-stop riotous laughter. He also shares his excitement of being a team captain on the Rove McManus movie trivia game-show titled Show Me the Movie! (Channel 10).
Finally, I ask Joel how he feels about his status as a role model to young gay Australians. ‘I don’t see myself as a role model at all’, he humbly admits. ‘I’m more like a role model of what not to do!’. His self-deprecating honesty is entirely endearing, and I reassure him that he most certainly is (whilst admittedly being bummed that our interview has come to a close).
I had a complete blast chatting to the funny-man, and can’t wait to see what he has in store next. Keep on killing it, Joel