Jun 25, 2022

The keepers of a rich LGBTIQ history

Many older lesbians sought out invisibility, they called each other “friends” or “career girls” or “not the marrying kind.” These terms worked as camouflage and helped many women feel safe during a time where their sexuality wasn’t accepted.

Jun 5, 2022
LGBTIQ History

The Secret Gay Life of Hollywood

Flashback! The Hollywood film industry has always had a high percentage of gay and lesbian employees, drawn to the theatre as a world of creativity, open mindedness and experimentation. Yet the hypocrisy is that as gay as Hollywood was (and is), actors have had to pretend that it isn’t.

Jun 1, 2022

The history of masturbation

Masturbation was historically considered to be an ancient symbol of abundance. The wowser however came along quickly. Anonymous author of the pamphlet Onania (1716) was very worried about masturbation. The ‘shameful vice’, the ‘solitary act of pleasure’, was something too terrible to even be described. The writer agreed with those ‘who are of the opinion, that… it never ought to be spoken of, or hinted at because the bare mentioning of it...

May 24, 2022

It's how big? What is a 'Normal' Penis Size?

Many men question what the average penis size is and whether their dick size is average, big or small. Most men seem to at least like reassurance that they are normal. However, normal and average can be very different. A wide range of penis and erections sizes are normal and the size of your penis can depend on a number of factors.

Jan 19, 2022

Get a hot six pack you've dreamed about!

When, when it comes to sculpting those abs of your dreams, it’s not as simple as doing endless crunches. Ensuring that you’re doing a combination of eating right with cardio exercise (where we are increasing the heart rate) and resistance training is the key to getting the results you want and that hot six pack!

Sep 7, 2021

Gay Love letters #4

In part four of celebrating same-sex love letters throughout history, World War II soldiers express their undying love in a beautiful and heartbreaking letter.

Jan 1, 2021

Get back to basics and look hot with your shirts off

Fitness basics! Summer is coming and with it comes all the parties, festivities and trips to the beach — and we all know what that means... it’s shirts off guys... in fact, it usually means not wearing many clothes at all! So here's a few tips on how you can look your best!

Nov 1, 2020
Money Shot

4 money goals to reach before you turn 40

In the first part of 2015, I reached a milestone in that I am closer to age 50 than I am to age 20 (yes, I am a finance geek!). As I reflected on this, it got me thinking about what tips I would have given to my younger self. So here they are, my top four money goals to achieve before age 40.

Jun 25, 2020

Quentin Crisp pioneer of the gay movement

Paul Capsis’ show Resident Alien brings to life one of the pioneers of the gay movement, the late Quentin Crisp. After sell-out performances in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney, in this exclusive interview, multi award winner Mr Capsis talks to Robert Henderson about why Quintin Crisp inspired him and how he is even more relevant today.  A notoriously, obviously effeminate homosexual, Quentin Crisp saw his mission in life to make the invisible and hidden visible, to make people realise that homosexuals existed. This may not seem all that remarkable, except he began doing this on the streets ...

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