Central Coast | 26 Sep - 2 Oct 2023

Coastal Twist for a happier Central Coast!

A celebration of difference, diversity and dazzle on the Central Coast NSW. A happier, healthier and more welcoming central coast!
FUSE  |  Community

Coastal Twist is coming to the Central Coast 26 September - 2 October 2023. Secen days of jam-packed surprises, playful and profound fun and learnings with LGBTIQ Arts & Culture from across our region, our state and our country as we invite adventurous Artists, Thinkers and Innovators to present work that simultaneously entertains and expands our worlds, our tolerance and our possibilities!

Magic happens and life is what you make it when we work together to deliver what a few years prior was thought impossible for this region!

From zero to hero we have aligned as a community, collaborated with our leading organisations, partnered with our most innovative local businesses and shared intentions with the regions largest employers and global brands to move forward with our mission for a


"Our theme for this year’s Coastal Twist Festival is Inclusion Means You – a call for everyone in our communities to join us in nurturing a culture of respect for a happier, healthier, and more welcoming Central Coast.

Our region is comprised of many communities and demographics, from different cultures, and sexualities, to varying social economic backgrounds and gender identities, as well as a range of ages, bodies, abilities, political ideologies, and family configurations. Just like the beautiful natural environment that surrounds us, a vibrant, healthy community needs to be diverse: a thriving cultural ecosystem in which balance and harmony are key.

Right now, our resilient LGBTQIA+ communities are the target of hate and fear across the planet. Of real concern is the increase of homophobic and transphobic attacks, as well as the targets on drag performers, and our trans youth. In times as polarising as these, Inclusion Means You encapsulates the ethos that everyone deserves to be heard, valued, and welcomed with respect. It is more important than ever to stand in solidarity for a more accepting, equitable, and open-minded world. As always, Coastal Twist Festival seeks to mobilise our message of inclusion with the ultimate “tools of mass construction” – our collective creativity!

I personally hope for a world in which everyone is respected for the way they choose to live, and I believe that we can live-side-by side with differing beliefs. Together, we can flourish in our differences, each person’s unique perspective and contribution adding nuance and texture to the multifaceted fabric of our society.

Please join us with respect, love, and possibilites for being better as we spotlight and celebrate the massive creativity of the Coast and indeed the nations LGBTQIA+ communities in all their glitter, gorgeousness, and glory.

- Festival Director Glitta Supernova


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