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Life & Wellbeing Archive

Art is why I get up in the morning, but my definition ends there... you know, it really doesn’t seem fair to be living for something I can’t even define, but there we are, right here in the meantime.

Foster carers come from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds, including those of any ethnic or cultural background and sexual orientation.

We all fall over; it’s OK. To ‘fall over’ is a popular expression to convey the idea of not achieving the desired outcome or not meeting expectations in a particular endeavour. Learn the gentle art of transforming failure and your life.

Mental Health
If you feel stressed, make sure you take regular time out. Switch off from technology, develop your problem-solving skills, learn to say “no” and avoid over-extending yourself. Get support and tell others how you feel.

Money Shot
Tips for financial wellness during tough times. Financial wellness refers to being in control of your financial life and having the ability to meet current and future needs.

When art meets meditation and mindfulness. Contrary to popular belief, meditation doesn’t always mean sitting with your eyes closed. In fact, you can practice meditation virtually anywhere — grab yourself a pencil and quieten your mind.

Health, Sex & Wellbeing
A few ideas that might help spice things up for those people who do want to enjoy sex more but have found themselves to be in a bit of a rut.

September 27 is National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NGMHAAD), a day to recognize the disproportionate impact of HIV among gay men, bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men (MSM), and to raise awareness about the importance of expanding access to HIV testing, prevention, screening, and care services.

Australians may be delighted to learn that Aussie men are very much average on the world stage when it comes to penis size. A wide range of penis and erections sizes are normal, and the size of your penis can depend on a number of factors.