FUSE68 'Change is never silent. Love is never wrong'

In this issue. Unstoppable Advocate who's Redefining Disability and Queer Identity. Kinky queer mum quietly ministering to the skin-hungry. Kickball, the game woth big red balls! Finding Peace in Every Breath. Bringing Queer Stories to the table. Andrew Barr, The Big Ken Behren. Conversations of Change with Shane Rattenbury. DIY rainbow pride garden, plus all our regulars!
Nothing is guaranteed, including tomorrow.
One of my favourite mantras goes, ‘Nothing is guaranteed, including tomorrow.’ I use it to remind myself just how precious the present moment is. Sometimes it works.
I must admit, however, that as a cis male, I’m also operating from a place of perceived privilege and the belief that as a gay man living in Canberra, I’m safe in my city. Unfortunately, this is not true, and it’s unsettling to say the least. It makes my mantra hit home in ways I had not intended.
By now, most of you know that over the past few months, both Canberra and Melbourne have seen a series of targeted violent homophobic attacks where Grindr users have been assaulted by organised groups of hateful men. It’s an alarming development. In response, Australia’s only openly gay head of government — ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr — told media outlets that the reports of these attacks were both distressing and disturbing for himself and the whole LGBTIQ+ community, p11.
This is a stark reminder that there are humans living among us who have no empathy for others. In this case, men with a complete lack of personal awareness, causing them to act out on odious, unchecked thoughts running through their heads. There are literally zombies in our suburbs; unfortunately for us, these ones know how to use a smartphone.
This points to the fact that, no matter how far we may have come in terms of the most basic right of LGBTIQ+ people to live life in safety, unconscious people can be dangerous people, and they are running amuck planet-wide.
Interestingly enough, the Equality Index rates Australia at 76 out of 100, and a recent survey by Ipsos (March 2024) found that 14% of people actually oppose LGBT rights, with 58% in support and 28% neutral on the issue. 14% in opposition to LGBT rights may not sound like much, but to put it in perspective, it’s more than the amount of LGBTIQ+ people who reside in Australia, which is estimated at 10% according to the Ipsos Pride 2023 global survey.
Although there is still much to be achieved, as a country we have made good social progress. What’s apparent now, however, is that laws and rights can’t always change the hearts of humans. That is not so much a battle but an enlightened leap that, unfortunately, some people will not be able to make.
When it comes to progress, rights and becoming more conscious, you’ll find that this issue of FUSE has plenty to say, starting with our cover features. We interviewed two talented and vocal queer authors, Hilary Caldwell p16 and Wayne Herbert p19, who are both looking to change attitudes and minds.
With the ACT election looming large, we spent time musing with ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr p28 and ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury p32, on politics, life... and something about pineapple on pizza.
On p23 you’ll find our sporting feature with Emerald City Kickball, who claim they can get ‘ball haters’ onto the sports field; now, if that’s not miracle-working, I don’t know what is. And if that thought leaves you short of breath, head to p38; we’re excited to have Joshua Wrest write about breathwork and how it can transform your life. Plus you’ll find our story on how to create your own rainbow garden p21, and we interview local chef Andy de Groot about his Queer Food journey p27, as well as all our regulars: Round Up, Couch Potato, Stargazer, Dear Rose and more!
I hope you enjoy this issue of FUSE. Stay safe and remember, change is never silent and love is never wrong.
Alexander Thatcher — Executive Editor
FUSE67 — FUSE68 'Change is never silent. Love is never wrong'
EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Alexander Thatcher
- Dwayne Lennox
- David Blanco
- Scott Malcolm
- Rose Pappalardo
- Nelida Contreras
- James E. Shields III
- Joshua Wrest
- Nathan J Lester (covers)
- Douglas J Robinson
- Cassie Abraham
- Jane Duong
Published + designed by Lithium Innovation Pty Ltd. ISSN 1836-8387