The ACT passes Intersex rights against medical intervention.
The new laws introduced by the ACT Govermnemt will prevent medical intervention forced on intersex people.
FreshOut hailed as outstanding success
As a part of the Enlighten Festival, FreshOut Fairday was the largest LGBTIQA+ event for the Canberra community.
The ACT will pass legislation to protect people with sex variations
This bill will protect the autonomy of minors, and adults under guardianship, by criminalising certain medical interventions that fall outside the scope of a treatment plan.
The tap water is making you gay!
DeSantis is signalling that he plans on his warpath of dismantling LGBTIQ rights.
Capital Queers at Sydney WorldPride 2023
Canberra 'Capital Queers' Mardi Gras marching group says goodbye after thirteen 13 fabulous years!
Slovenia says yes to same-sex marriage
The law passed last year has officially come into effect in Slovenia, finally establishing full marriage equality.
Queer Night at the museum Canberra Photos
A stunning evening filled with colour, fabulous drag shows, curious collection stories and more!
US Congress protects marriage equality in landmark bill
Did You Know? In 2022 the American midterm elections created history; the good kind. For the first time, the elections had LGBTIQ+ candidates running from all 50 US states and the capital Washington.
The pope says being gay is NOT a crime
Francis’ history of making comments in support of LGBTQ people’s dignity, despite the church’s rejection of homosexuality, has provoked criticism from some Catholics.