May 1, 2024

Problems with dating apps and can they be fixed?

Dating sites and apps have made it easier to find sexual and romantic partners, expanding the pool of potential mates to include the entire internet. About 24% of LGBTIQ people and 10% of heterosexual people have met their long-term partner online.

Apr 1, 2024

Was famous bushranger Captain Moonlite gay?

Captain Moonlite, the Australian bushranger known for the Egerton bank robbery of 1869 and the Wantabadgery outrage of 1879, is commonly thought to have been gay or queer. In recent years, his love for gang member James Nesbitt has been celebrated in art, music and theatre.

Mar 5, 2024

Police Marching at Mardi Gras must come with real change

Public trust and confidence in NSW Police has been sorely tested in the past few weeks. The charging of a police officer with the murders of a Sydney gay couple, Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, has seen shock turn to grief and then anger. NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb’s framing of the case as a “crime of passion” downplayed the alleged culpability of the accused, and overlooked the murders as possible domestic violence.

Feb 26, 2024
Health, Sex & Wellbeing

Sex and its role in Happy Relationships

There are numerous studies showing how important sex is to a successful marriage or any long-term relationship. There are of course many types of sex and ways of being intimate with others, but sex with a partner who knows you intimately is often a much more passionate and connecting experience.

Feb 23, 2024

The great US rights rollback

The USA, a global superpower, has long paved the way forward for LGBTIQ+ people. It is the birthplace of everything from the Stonewall riots and Harvey Milk to Brokeback Mountain and RuPaul’s Drag Race. In 2015, same-sex marriage was legalised in all fifty states. The upcoming WorldPride 2025 will be hosted by none other than the nation’s capital of Washington DC. 

Feb 21, 2024
Money Shot

With any type of marriage divorce can happen

Confident decision-making as you are going through a major life event can be difficult. When a relationship breaks down, emotions can be raw as the vision or plan for your life changes before your eyes. Often this change happens quickly and sometimes it’s without notice for one partner. Focus on self-care The loss of a relationship, of shared plans and the vision of a life you had known can be a big one to digest. Give yourself time to grieve before making any significant decisions about your life. Do some mindfulness practice to check in with yourself and see how you are really feeling....

Feb 12, 2024
Health, Sex & Wellbeing

The rise in LGBTQ+ romance literature?

From May 2022 to May 2023, sales of LGBTQ+ romance grew by 40%, with the next biggest jump in this period occurring for general adult fiction, which grew just 17%. The data from 2023 extends a boom that began in 2016: In the five years from May 2016 to May 2021, sales of LGBTQ+ romance grew by a jaw-dropping 740%.

Feb 1, 2024

What you need to know about getting married

Are you getting married? In this article, we'll explain marriage eligibility, age requirements, and the legal intricacies of tying the knot in our beautiful and diverse nation. Living in Australia, we are lucky enough to be spoilt for choice when it comes to stunning locations, and our inclusive marriage laws ensure that everyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, can embrace the joy of marriage.  Although exciting, like everything in life, there is some paperwork and a few other things you'll need to know before getting hitched. Here is a simple how-to and what-to-know. Marri...

Feb 1, 2024

Pronouns and why they are important

You’ve probably heard about gender pronouns already; many of us don’t give them a second thought, but for others, they are incredibly important and validating.

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